So, your bitch is in season...?What does 'in season' mean? What is commonly referred to as being 'on heat' or 'in season' is actually part of the bitches estrous...
Spring & Summer Safety TipsAs the days get longer and lighter, you may be spending more time than ever outside with your dog. While these warmer days do bring lots...
Whistles - not just for gun dogs!One thing we hear a lot from people is that they think that using a whistle won't work for them as they don't have a gun-dog breed. This...
The 3 D's Many that train at Cunningshot will have heard me mention, (once or twice!) the 3D's. If you haven't then prepare to have your training...
Dogs & FireworksDoes your dog struggle with fireworks? See our discussion on how you can help your dog through fireworks night. I was proud to be part of...