Emma - Retriever Puppy Gundog Clinic
1 hour classes - suitable from fully vaccinated to 6m old
Service Description
Prepare for you puppy's gundog journey with the Gundog Puppy Clinics, these will run regularly for an hour long session with both a theory/planning element to training to problem solve & plan progression of training alongside a practical teaching element with you and your puppy. Start as you mean to go on with puppy clinics helping to create good manners as well as the foundations that will later be the bread and butter or your working gundog. These clinics will work on manners, expected behaviours, gundog obedience, appropriate dog dog interactions and much much more.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please contact us at least 24hours before your appointment. Failure to cancel you appointment with sufficient notice may result in you being charged.