Good Morning Group, I’m loving the app! So I thought I would try it ☺️ We have a rather long hall in the house, so now when it’s dark and I come back from the office I use it for recall, stop whistle training, some straight out retrieves and steadiness where I take the dummy out, keep Bella at stay and I go and pick it up and every so often let her have a retrieve. Other than ‘hide n’ seek’ which is me letting her go for a seen dummy and then send her on a hunt around the house to find a hidden dummy, are there other games or drills people do in the house!? Oh we also play catch with a tennis ball as a reward! Looking for some ideas to do in the evenings. Many thanks, Clare and Bella
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Also have a read of the challenges move will be being set as well
Challenge her steadiness, temptation alley Rolling balls past her etc then work on her obedience. Recall hide and seek Follow me heelwork without saying heel ever just shape and reward her near you I’ll post a blog after this week of zooms with some other games